Wednesday 20 December 2017

Handing over to new writers

As you can see, this blog has lacked posts for some long time while I have been busy with work. Rhiannon, whose posts many enjoyed, is now at Woodbrooke College as a tutor in Quaker roles. You can find her elsewhere in the Quaker blogosphere.

However readers of this blog may be pleased to learn that Beeston is now a growing Quaker Meeting and that one of our newer members has expressed an interest in taking over the blog. If asked, I may occasionally pop up as a contributor.

I hope that readers will return as new posts are added - and that you may also be interested in various new activities, including podcasting.

Meanwhile, if you're ever in Beeston, Notts on a Sunday morning and feel like dropping in, be assured of a friendly greeting, an hour of stillness and a choice of hot beverages and biscuits to follow.


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