I feel that this should be publicised, but have little of my own material to offer: here, then, is a selection of good posts and projects by other people.
The livejournal community which is the heart of International Blog Against Racism Week.

To help illustrate this problem, therefore, Skin Coloured is looking for submissions. Send us photographs that illustrate the inadequacy of provisions for non-white people, and we’ll post them on the blog, and hopefully both those submitting, and those who’re here to learn, will gain something from it.
The issue of diversity among British MPs, and why it isn't likely to increase.
A post from earlier in the year about the American election.
In which Synecdochic introduces the N-Dimensional Privilege Graph.
Aunt Betty has good reasons not to use any analogies between racism and sexism.
A nice piece from the Unitarian Universalists on what is borrowing and what is stealing in the world of spiritual practice, which would be nicely followed by this extended metaphor which illustrates why you shouldn't steal.
From inside Israel, a discussion of racism there.
Two posts on defying stereotypes: vegans of colour, and fat women of colour.
A fascinating consideration of the way the covers of sci-fi and fantasy books hide the colours of characters.
Finally, what is common knowledge? Questions which cover common and hidden cultural knowledge, sorted by cultural group.
(Crossposted to my fandom livejournal.)
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